Road trip

I have stayed up way too late watching election results, and now I’m really tired but can’t seem to go to sleep.  So I’m using up these wee hours to finally blog again.  I know, I know.  It’s drastically overdue.  I’m sorry.  I’ll try not to let it happen again. Scout’s honor.

A few weeks ago I went along on a church leadership conference.  I was a quick, one-night trip.  We had time to drive to Seattle, see Pike’s Market, eat dinner, sleep, and then the spend the next day at the conference, eat dinner again, and then drive home.  The drive was long, the trip was short, the training was valuable, and the company was awesome.  The only bad thing was trying to call my sister, only to realize that I haven’t yet put her number in my new phone!  Let’s just say that technology isn’t exactly my strongsuit.  That fact you’re even reading this blog is somewhat of a miracle!

Here’s what our trip looked like:

My superman in a fashionable disguise, ready for the long drive

The iconic sign. We were able to see a little fish throwing, lots of arts and crafts, and the original Starbucks shop.

This little guy got to come along. He was our mascot. Pretty cute, huh?

All the rooms had bathrobes in the closets. So logically, we needed a group portrait. Superman is trying to direct everybody.

Getting ready for the shot. What a classy bunch!

Here’s Superman again, at the conference. It was affirming and challenging at the same time.

In case your’e wondering from the pictures, the answer is: no, we did not stay in a hotel. And yes, we did stay at a bed and breakfast.  We are finding that sometimes independent bed and breakfast homes can be less expensive than hotels, and a whole lot more fun.  We learned a lot and were challenged at the meetings.  It was exciting for Brent to hear the two main speakers, Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel.  Through their books and ministries, they have become important influences on him.  I would even call them his mentors, even though we have never met them personally.  It was a great road trip.  We’ll have to do it again sometime.  Maybe next time, I’ll actually be able to call my sister!